Props Craft Brewery & Taproom

Rating - 4.7 out of 5 stars
Micro Brewery
125 Lovejoy Rd NW, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548, USA
Beer List
List is sorted by most popular at location. First beers are most likely their regular beers while the end of the list are most likely their sesonal beers. Beers updated every month.
Flying Coffin IPAIPA - American 6.7% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Medium-bodied, balanced IPA that is copper in color with caramel flavors and distinct piney hop qualities. This IPA is infused with Chinook hops and dry-hopped with a Mt. Hood and Cascade hop combination.
Blonde Bomber AleBlonde / Golden Ale - Other 5% ABV ▪ 22 IBU
An All-american, medium-bodied ale with a light color and a balanced malt-hop combiniation. Expect a clean to dry finish.
Dos PilotosLager - Mexican 4.5% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Dos Pilotos is a Mexican Style Lager combining both new and old world flavors to create a well balanced and palate-pleasing Cerveza. Named for the two pilots that started Props Brewery, Dos Pilotos is an all weather lager to be enjoyed year round. Cheers! Mike, Nate, Brian & Travis
Twin Prop Double IPAIPA - Imperial / Double 8.3% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Four Kings Brown AleBrown Ale - American 5.5% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Prop Oil PorterPorter - Other 6.4% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Pours black with a light tan colored head. This porter has a substantial, complex, and flavorful roast character that tastes of dark chocolate and roasted grains. A fan favorite with it's characteristics of being not too sweet nor too bitter with a smooth aftertaste.
Blueberry PilsnerPilsner - Other 4.5% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Blood Orange Blonde BomberBlonde / Golden Ale - Other 5% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Luckey O'NeillLager - Vienna 5.6% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
It's light golden-brown coloring combines with a lager's smooth taste which give this lager an all day lawnmower beer feel.
Black WidowIPA - Black / Cascadian Dark Ale 7.6% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Ghost RiderStout - Oatmeal 4.9% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Okaloosa Island IPAIPA - American 6.75% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
House IPA for Al's Beach Club
Rye Of The TigerFarmhouse Ale - Bière de Garde 8.5% ABV ▪ 22 IBU
Blue Wahoos BlondeBlonde / Golden Ale - Other 5% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Pumpkin BombPumpkin / Yam Beer 8% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Red Tail AleRed Ale - American Amber / Red 5% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
AJ's El Dorado SunshineLager - American 4.5% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Ice, Fog And HazeIPA - New England / Hazy 6% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Jovie Christmas AleWinter Ale 6.1% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Endless Summer LagerLager - American 4.2% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Crisp, citrusy, light American lager.
OctoberfestMärzen 5.2% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Heinkel HefeWheat Beer - Hefeweizen 4.8% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Back Alley Pale AlePale Ale - American 6% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Inara Strawberry BlondeBlonde / Golden Ale - Other 5.5% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Strawberry offshoot of the blonde bomber.
Aj's Sunset Red AleRed Ale - Other 4.5% ABV ▪ N/A IBU
Reviews are from the Google's Places community and NOT from EBHB club members.
I attended a wrestling event there on the 21st last night it was awesome drinking in the front at the bar wrestling in the back by the brewery equipment. The staff was over worked but great hardworking folks. The entertainment they brought top of the line and I don't drink ( that much) but the beer must have been some great stuff every body had at least 2 beers at all time the whole event. Really go check em out.
Rated 5 out of 5
Trivia is at 7 pm on Thursday at the Lovejoy location. Bartender is very social and great conversation and able to work the room.
Rated 5 out of 5
Great place to have a few or several. Mike is a great bartender and definitely points you in the right direction.
Rated 5 out of 5
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