Winos Club
Founded 1985
A wine club that enjoys the craft of wine and mead making!
We found out that some of our club members not only love to brew beer, but also love to make wine, mead, and other types of alcholic beverages. So the club decided to start a wine club called Winos. Winos meetings are not only a social gathering event... it's a wine tasting event.
To attend a meeting, you don't have to be a wine maker. If you're not bringing wine that you've made, please bring a bottle of your favorite wine or mead to the meeting. Winos is also a great way to learn how to make wine, or improve your craft in wine making from other experienced wine makers.

The Winos meetings will occur during the first half of each month at the convenience of the host, not to interfere with any other stated meetings ( General Meetings or Special Events). Hors d'oeuvres will be provided at the meeting. Sometimes, the EBHB club pitches in for the the host to prepare a full course meal.
We have our Wino meetings in Pensacola FL, Gulf Breeze FL, and Santa Rosa FL area. Winos meetings are dependent on members hosting the meeting at their house. You can contact Jim Martin or email us at if you wounld like to host a Winos event. EBHB will provide $50 for the cost of food upon club approval.