Join Escambia Bay Homebrewers
Escambia Bay Homebrewers was founded in 1985 by Steve Fried and was originally comprised of 20 or so members. Now, almost 40 years later, the club has more than 100 active members – 200 if you count the spouses who often attend the meetings and parties. Our principles are simple: drink better beer and share the craft of homebrewing. We also host the popular Emerald Coast Beer Festival – an annual event held at Seville Quarter on the first Friday after Labor Day since 1996 which draws thousands of guests.
We do three meetings a month. The brewers guild meeting, which is more educational and teaches people how to do things like different brewing methods
and so on, meets the second Sunday of every month. Then we have the general meeting that meets on the second Sunday of every month.
Finally, we have the Winos meetings on the first half of every month for those that make wines, mead, and ciders. We also host
special events such as a club Christmas party, New Orleans Booze Cruise, and participate in other beer festivals as a club.
Why Join EBHB?
In our club, you'll be able to hear what other people have to say about the homebrewing process, learn new homebrew recipes and techniques, take part in the festival, and just do something fun with a good group of people. Our club also has a professional all-grain homebrew system provided for free to our club members. Only equipment needed is a carboy to store your wort, a few dollars for the propane gas, and a corny keg. Are you interested in joining or seeing what the meetings are like? Fill out the "New Member Application" below. Feel free to attend a meeting first with no obligation to see if Escambia Bay Homebrewers is right for you!

Membership Fee & Dues
- All new members are required to pay a $50 initiation fee to cover their initial membership to the end of the current membership year.
- The Emerald Coast Beer Festival (ECBF) is an integral part of this clubs community service and outreach. The ECBF provides the Escambia Bay Homebrewers an opportunity to showcase our love and knowledge of the brewing arts. In order for this club to live up to our goals as stated in these By-Laws we feel strongly in the community building and service opportunities provided by the ECBF, therefore all members should participate in this activity.
- Unless otherwise arranged prior to the ECBF by contacting the Board, membership is contingent on selling five (5) tickets to and volunteering at the Emerald Coast Beer Festival, this will cover dues for the following membership year. Members not completing these two activities will be subject to a membership review by the board. The board will determine if membership should be terminated or if a probationary status given with the payment of $250 to cover membership for the remainder of the membership year.
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